Canine influenza, also known as dog flu, is a contagious respiratory disease caused by two different strains of the influenza virus. Just like with human flu, it can cause mild to severe illness and even death in some cases. Here are the main 5 symptoms of canine influenza and 5 P&F Tips to prevent it..
Symptoms of Leptospirosis
- Coughing: A persistent, dry cough is one of the most common symptoms of canine influenza.
- Sneezing: Dogs with the flu may also sneeze frequently and have a runny nose.
- Fever: A high fever is another common symptom of canine influenza.
- Lethargy: Dogs with the flu may appear tired and have less energy than usual.
- Loss of Appetite: Some dogs with the flu may lose their appetite and refuse to eat.
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Prevention P&F Tips:
- Vaccination: The best way to prevent canine influenza is to have your dog vaccinated. There are vaccines available for both strains of the virus.
- Avoid Contact: Limit your dog’s exposure to other dogs, especially in places where dogs congregate, such as dog parks and kennels.
- Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, especially after being around other dogs, and clean your dog’s bedding and toys regularly.
- Stay Home: If your dog is sick, keep them at home to prevent the spread of the virus to other dogs.
Consult Your Vet: If you suspect your dog may have canine influenza, contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
Canine influenza is a serious disease that can cause significant illness in dogs. By being aware of the main symptoms and following the P&F tips for prevention, you can help keep your dog safe and healthy. However, if your dog does develop flu-like symptoms, it’s important to seek veterinary care promptly. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.
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